
- 1980.4.1 北海道開発庁北海道開発局入庁
- 1983.4.1 北海道開発局旭川建設部治水課計画係長
- 1985.4.1 北海道開発局土木試験所河川研究室主任研究員
- 1988.4.1 北海道開発局開発土木研究所河川研究室主任研究員
- 1988.9.1 科学技術庁科学技術振興局併任 同日付米国留学 米国内務省地質調査所勤務(USGS)
- 1989.8.31 科学技術庁科学技術振興局併任解除
- 1990.6.18 北海道開発局開発土木研究所河川研究室副室長
- 1990.12.25 工学博士(北海道大学)
- 1992.4.1 北海道開発局開発土木研究所河川研究室室長
- 1994.4.1 北海道大学土木工学科助教授
- 1997.4.1 北海道大学大学院工学研究科環境資源工学専攻助教授
- 2005.4.1 北海道大学大学院工学研究科北方圏環境政策工学専攻教授
- 2023.4.4 北海学園大学工学部環境防災水工学講座特任教授
- 国際水理学会IAHR-APD2020 Sapporo実行委員会委員長
- 公益社団法人土木学会 水工学委員会委員長(2017-2018)
- 国土交通省 河川技術評価委員会地域課題評価分科会委員
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 天塩川河川整備計画検討委員会委員長
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 石狩川河川整備計画検討委員会委員
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 石狩川流域上流河道管理ワーキング委員
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 十勝川千代田実験水路検討委員会
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 釧路湿原自然再生委員会委員(土砂流入小委員会委員長・旧川復元小委員会委員)
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 釧路川環境保全対策協議会委員
- 国土交通省北海道開発局 網走湖水環境改善施策検討委員会委員
- 国交省北海道開発局 天塩川リバーカウンセラー
- 国交省北海道開発局 石狩川リバーカウンセラー
- 国交省北海道開発局 後尻別リバーカウンセラー
- 日本学術会議連携会員 土木工学・建築学委員会
- 地球環境の変化に伴う風水害・土砂災害への対応分科会第21期・22期(2010-2013)
- 一般社団法人北海道河川財団 研究所長
- 国際水理学会RCEM2007実行委員会委員
- 国際水理学会RCEM2002実行委員会委員長
- 土木学会2016年8月北海道豪雨災害調査団団長
- 土木学会2003年8月台風10号豪雨災害 北海道胆振・日高地方災害調査団
- R. Akahori, S. Yamaguchi, H. Yabe, Y. Shimizu:Transport Dynamics of Large Wood in a Stream Channel Affected by Spur Dikes, Water Resources Research, 59(2), 2023.
- J. Nelson, Y. Shimizu, T. Kyuka, and S. Charlton: A General Lagrangian Tracking Methodology for Riverine Flow and Transport, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2022. (IF=3.956, TC=0)
- T. Sumner, J. Mishra, T., and Y. Shimizu: Numerical Study of the Interaction Between Wet – Dry Weathering and Bedload Induced Abrasion, Water Resources Research, 58(3), 2022. (IF=6.159, TC=0)
- H. Dai, T. Iwasaki, and Y. Shimizu: Effect of Sediment Supply on Morphodynamics of Free Alternate Bars: Insights from Hydrograph Boundary Layer, Water, 13(23), 3437, 2021. (IF=3.53, TC=0)
- T. Kyuka, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Inoue, K.R.A. Ferrel, H. Kon, and Y. Shimizu: Morphodynamic effects of vegetation life stage on experimental meandering channels, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ,46(7), 1225-1237, 2021. (IF=3.956, TC=3)
- T. Okitsu, T. Iwasaki, T. Kyuka, and Y. Shimizu: The Role of Large-Scale Bedforms in Driftwood Storage Mechanism in Rivers, Water, 13(6), 2021. (IF=3.53, TC=2)
- K.R.A. Ferrel, J. Nelson, Y. Shimizu, and T. Kyuka: Past, present and future of a meandering river in the Bolivian Amazon basin, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(4), 715-727, 2021. (IF=3.956, TC=2)
- S.A.H. Weisscher, M. Boechat-Albernaz, J.R.F.W. Leuven, W.M. Van Dijk, Y. Shimizu, and M.G. Kleinhans: Complementing scale experiments of rivers and estuaries with numerically modelled hydrodynamics, Earth Surface Dynamics, 8(4), 955-972, 2020. (IF=4.336, TC=3)
- T. Inoue, J. Mishra, K. Kato, T. Sumner, and Y. Shimizu: Supplied sediment tracking for bridge collapse with large-scale channel migration, Water, 12(7), 1881 2020. (IF=3.53, TC=3)
- T. Kyuka, K. Okabe, Y. Shimizu, S. Yamaguchi, K. Hasegawa, and K. Shinjo: Dominating factors influencing rapid meander shift and levee breaches caused by a record-breaking flood in the Otofuke River, Japan, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 31, 76-89, 2020. (IF=2.699, TC=4)
- T. Kang, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Numerical simulation of large wood deposition patterns and responses of bed morphology in a braided river using large wood dynamics model, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(4) ,962-977, 2020. (IF=3.956, TC=8)
- S. Yamaguchi, S. Giri, Y. Shimizu, and J. Nelson: Morphological computation of dune evolution with equilibrium and non-equilibrium sediment-transport models, Water Resources Research, 55(11), 8463-8477, 2019. (IF=6.159, TC=6)
- H.S. Kim, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Experiment and Computation of Morphological Response to a Vegetation Patch in Open-Channel Flows with Erodible Banks, Water, 11(11), 2255-2255, 2019. (IF=3.53, TC=3)
- S.A.H. Weisscher, Y. Shimizu, and M.G. Kleinhans: Upstream perturbation and floodplain formation effects on chute cutoff-dominated meandering river pattern and dynamics, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019. (IF=3.956, TC=7)
- H.L. Ali, B. Yusuf, T.A. Mohammed, Y. Shimizu, M.S.A. Razak, and B.M. Rehan: Enhancing the Flow Characteristics in a Branching Channel Based on a Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Flow Model, Water, 11(9), 1863, 2019. (IF=3.53, TC=1)
- Y. Shimizu, J. Nelson, K.R.A. Ferrel, K. Asahi, S. Giri, T. Inoue, T. Iwasaki, C.L. Jang, T. Kang, I. Kimura, T. Kyuka, J. Mishra, M. Nabi, S. Patsinghasanee, and S. Yamaguchi: Advances in Computational Morphodynamics Using the International River Interface Cooperative(iRIC) Software, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(1), 11-37, 2019. (IF=3.956, TC=19)
- H.L. Ali, B. Yusuf, T.A. Mohammed, Y. Shimizu, M.S.A. Razak, and B.M. Rehan: Assessment of Vanes Effectiveness in Controlling Erosion and Deposition Zones at a River Confluence using a 2D model, International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 11(2), 223-235, 2019. (TC=2)
- H.L. Ali, B. Yusuf, T.A. Mohammed, Y. Shimizu, M.S.A. Razak, and B.M. Rehan: Improving the Hydro-Morpho Dynamics of A River Confluence by Using Vanes, Resources, 8(1), 2019. (TC=2)
- J. Mishra, T. Inoue, Y. Shimizu, T. Sumner, J. Nelson: Consequences of Abrading Bed Load on Vertical and Lateral Bedrock Erosion in a Curved Experimental Channel, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(12), 2018. (IF=4.418, TC=21)
- K.R.A. Ferrel, S. Patsinghasanee, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Coupled Model of Bank Erosion and Meander Evolution for Cohesive Riverbanks, Geosciences, 8(10), 359, 2018. (TC=5)
- T. Kang, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Responses of Bed Morphology to Vegetation Growth and Flood Discharge at a Sharp River Bend, Water, 10(2), 223, 2018. (IF=3.53, TC=12)
- S. Patsinghasanee, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu, and M. Nabi: Experiments and modelling of cantilever failures for cohesive riverbanks, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 56(1), 2018. (IF=2.116, TC=15)
- S. Patsinghasanee, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu, M. Nabi, and T. Chub-Uppakarn: Coupled studies of fluvial erosion and cantilever failure for cohesive riverbanks: Case studies in the experimental flumes and U-Tapao River, Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 16, 13-26, 2017. (IF=2.699, TC=14)
- T. Iwasaki, J. Nelson, Y. Shimizu, and G. Parker: Numerical simulation of large-scale bedload particle tracer advection-dispersion in rivers with free bars, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 122, 2017. (IF=4.418, TC=9)
- S. Patsinghasanee, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu, and M. Nabi: Cantilever failure investigations for cohesive riverbanks, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 170(2), 93-108, 2017. (IF=1.385, TC=5)
- H.S. Kim, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Experimental Investigations of Scour Pools around Porous Obstructions, Water, 8(11), 498, 2016. (IF=3.53, TC=0)
- T. Iwasaki, Y. Shimizu, and I. Kimura: Numerical simulation of bar and bank erosion in a vegetated floodplain: A case study in the Otofuke River, Advances in Water Resources, 93, 118-134, 2016. (IF=5.361, TC=30)
- J. Nelson, Y. Shimizu, T. Abe, K. Asahi, M. Gamou, T. Inoue, T. Iwasaki, T. Kakinuma, S. Kawamura, I. Kimura, T. Kyuka, R.R. McDonald, M. Nabi, M. Nakatsugawa, and Y. Watanabe: The international river interface cooperative: Public domain flow and morphodynamics software for education and applications, Advances in Water Resources, 93, 62-74, 2016. (IF=5.361, TC=60)
- T. Iwasaki, Y. Shimizu, and I. Kimura: Sensitivity of free bar morphology in rivers to secondary flow modeling: Linear stability analysis and numerical simulation, Advances in Water Resources, 93, 57-72, 2016. (IF=5.361, TC=8)
- A.M. Abdelrazek, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu: Simulation of three-dimensional rapid free-surface granular flow past different types of obstructions using the SPH method, Journal of Glaciology, 62, 335-347, 2016. (IF=4.278, TC=25)
- T. Inoue, T. Iwasaki, G. Parker, Y. Shimizu, N. Izumi, C.P. Stark, and J. Funaki: Numerical Simulation of Effects of Sediment Supply on Bedrock Channel Morphology, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2016. (IF=2.817, TC=26)
- F. Schuurman, Y. Shimizu, T. Iwasaki, and M.G. Kleinhans: Dynamic meandering in response to upstream perturbations and floodplain formation, Geomorphology, 253, 94-109, 2016. (IF=4.406, TC=41)
- W.I. van de Lageweg, F. Schuurman, K.M. Cohen, W.M. van Dijk, Y. Shimizu, and M.G. Kleinhans: Preservation of meandering river channels in uniformly aggrading channel belts, Sedimentology, 63(3), 2015. (IF=3.81, TC=17)
- M. Nabi, I. Kimura, S.M. Hsu, S. Giri, and Y. Shimizu: Computational modeling of dissipation and regeneration of fluvial sand dunes under variable discharges, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(7), 2015. (IF=4.418, TC=9)
- H.S. Kim, M. Nabi, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Computational modeling of flow and morphodynamics through rigid-emergent vegetation, Advances in Water Resources, 84, 64-86, 2015. (IF=5.361, TC=25)
- C.L. Jang, Y. Shimizu, and G.H. Lee: Numerical simulation of the fluvial processes in the channels by sediment mining, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(3), 771-778, 2015. (IF=2.115, TC=5)
- T. Iwasaki, M. Nabi, Y. Shimizu, and I. Kimura: Computational modeling of 137Cs contaminant transfer associated with sediment transport in Abukuma River, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 139, 416-426, 2015. (IF=2.655, TC=26)
- H.S. Kim, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Bed morphological changes around a finite patch of vegetation, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(3), 2014. (IF=3.956, TC=42)
- T. Inoue, N. Izumi, Y. Shimizu, and G. Parker: Interaction among alluvial cover, bed roughness, and incision rate in purely bedrock and alluvial-bedrock channel, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(10), 2014. (IF=4.418, TC=58)
- E. Eke, M.J. Czapiga, E. Viparelli, Y. Shimizu, J. Imran, T. Sun, and G. Parker: Coevolution of width and sinuosity in meandering rivers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 760, 127-174, 2014. (IF=4.245, TC=29)
- E. Eke, G. Parker, and Y. Shimizu: Numerical modeling of erosional and depositional bank processes in migrating river bends with self-formed width, Morphodynamics of bar push and bank pull, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(7), 2014. (IF=4.418, TC=90)
- T. Kakinuma, and Y. Shimizu: Large-Scale Experiment and Numerical Modeling of a Riverine Levee Breach, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 140(9), 2014. (IF=2.817, TC=37)
- H.S. Kim, M. Nabi, I. Kimura, and Y. Shimizu: Numerical investigation of local scour at two adjacent cylinders, Advances in Water Resources, 70, 131-147, 2014. (IF=5.361, TC=55)
- K. Asahi, Y. Shimizu, J. Nelson, and G. Parker: Numerical simulation of river meandering with self-evolving banks, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118, 1-22, 2013. (IF=4.418, TC=90)
- T. Iwasaki, Y. Shimizu, and I. Kimura: Modelling of the initiation and development process of tidal creek networks, Proceedings of ICE, Maritime Engineering, 166(2), 76-88, 2013. (IF=5.952, TC=14)
- M. Nabi, H.J. de Vriend, E. Mosselman, C.J. Sloff, and Y. Shimizu: Detailed simulation of morphodynamics: 3. Ripple and dunes, Water Resources Research, 49, 4775-4791, 2013. (IF=6.159, TC=52)
- M. Nabi, H.J. de Vriend, E. Mosselman, C.J. Sloff, and Y. Shimizu: Detailed simulation of morphodynamics: 2. Sediment pickup, transport, and deposition, Water Resources Research, 49, 1-17, 2013. (IF=6.159, TC=39)
- M. Nabi, H.J. de Vriend, E. Mosselman, C.J. Sloff, and Y. Shimizu: Detailed simulation of morphodynamics: 1. Hydrodynamic model, Water Resources Research, 48, 2012. (IF=6.159, TC=32)
- Y. Saito, H. Kato, M. Otsuki, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu, and E. Isenko: Refinement of MPS method for practical application to snow avalanches, Annals of Glaciology, 53(61), 13-22, 2012. (IF=2.863, TC=1)
- S. Oikawa, T. Iwasaki, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Shimizu, and I. Kimura: An experiment and numerical simulation of bedrock-erosion caused by bedload on bedrock, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 30(2), 2012.
- T. Iwasaki, Y. Shimizu, and I. Kimura: Computations of bed deformation and sediment sorting in a meander channel using a depth-averaged morphodynamic model, Journal of River Basin Management, 9(3-4), 237-245, 2011.
- J. Nelson, B.L. Logan, P.J. Kinzel, Y. Shimizu, S. Giri, R.L. Shreve, and S.R. McLean: Bedform response to flow variability, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(14), 2011. (IF=3.956, TC=29)
- K.P. Dulal, and Y. Shimizu: Experimental simulation of meandering in clay mixed sediments, Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research, 4(4), 329-343, 2010. (IF=2.699, TC=14)
- I. Kimura, S. Onda, T. Hosoda, and Y. Shimizu: Computations of suspended sediment transport in a shallow side-cavity using depth-averaged 2D models with effects of secondary currents, Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research, 4(2), 153-161, 2010. (IF=2.699, TC=6)
- K.P. Dulal, K. Kobayashi, Y. Shimizu and G. Parker: Numerical computation of free meandering channels with the application of slump blocks on the outer bends, Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research, 3(4), 239-246, 2010. (IF=2.699, TC=19)
- G. Parker, Y. Shimizu, G.V. Wilkerson, E.C. Eke, J.D. Abad, J.W. Lauer, C. Paola, W.E. Dietrich and V.R. Voller: A new framework for modeling the migration of meandering rivers, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36, 70-86, 2010. (IF=3.956, TC=216)
- W. Thaisiam, Y. Shimizu and I. Kimura: The influence of nonuniform sediment on dune evolutions, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 28(1), 69-85, 2010.
- Y. Shimizu, S. Giri, S. Yamaguchi, and J. Nelson: Numerical simulation of dune-flat bed transition and stage-discharge relationship with hysteresis effect, Water Resources Research, 45, 2009. (IF=6.159, TC=40)
- I. Kimura, T. Hosoda, S. Takimoto and Y. Shimizu: RANS computations on curved open channel flows, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 27(2), 29-47, 2009.
- K. Chichibu, Y. Watanabe and Y. Shimizu: Dynamic effects of suspended sediments on turbulent flows over dunes, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 27(1), 1-10, 2009.
- C.L. Jang, and Y. Shimizu: Numerical analysis of braided rivers and alluvial fan deltas, Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics, 1(1), 15-24, 2007. (IF=6.519, TC=7)
- C.L. Jang and Y. Shimizu: Vegetation effects on the morphological behavior of alluvial channels, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 45(6), 763-772, 2007. (IF=2.116, TC=58)
- S. Giri, and Y. Shimizu: Numerical computation of sand dune migration with free surface flow, Water Resources Research, 42, 2006. (IF=6.159, TC=64)
- C.L. Jang and Y. Shimizu: Numerical Simulation of Relatively Wide, Shallow Channels with Erodible Banks, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 131(7), 565-575, 2005. (IF=2.817, TC=96)
- C.L. Jang and Y. Shimizu: Numerical simulations of the behavior of alternate bars with different bank strengths, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 43(6), 595-611, 2005. (IF=2.116, TC=19)
- S. Giri, Y. Shimizu and B. Surajate: Laboratory measurement and numerical simulation of flow and turbulence in a meandering-like flume with spurs, Flow measurement and instruction, 15, 301-309, 2004. (IF=2.42, TC=28)
- S. Wongsa and Y. Shimizu: Modelling artificial channel and land-use changes and their impact on floods and sediment yield to the Ishikari basin, Hydrological Processes, 18, 1837-1852, 2004. (IF=3.784, TC=9)
- M. Zhu, Y. Shimizu and N. Nishimoto: Calculation of curved open channel flow using physical curvilinear non-orthogonal coordinates, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 44, 55-70, 2004. (IF=1.847, TC=6)
- H. Kurabayashi, Y. Shimizu and M. Fujita: Numerical calculation of bed deformation in multiple and braided bar stream, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 20(1), 127-136, 2002.
- Y. Shimizu, M.W. Schmeeckle and J. Nelson: Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence Over Two Dimensional Dunes Using CIP Method, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 19(2), 85-92, 2001.
- R. Akahori and Y. Shimizu: 2-Dimensional Numerical Calculation of Flow and Mixing using the CIP Method, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 18(1) 97-106, 2000.
- Y. Shimizu: Calculation of flow and bed deformation in compound channel with vertical drop spillways, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 18(1), 107-118, 2000.
- Y. Shimizu, M. Fujita and M. Hirano: Geometry and Migration Characteristics of Sand Bars in Meandering Channel, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 15(1), 1-9, 1997.
- Y. Shimizu and T. Itakura: Numerical simulation of flow and bed deformation of river, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, No.Sl-2, 161-179, 1993.
- Y. Shimizu and Y. Watanabe: Observation of flood flow and river bed evolution, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, No.Sl-2, 141-160, 1993.
- Y. Shimizu, K. Houjou and C. Ishii: Calculation of boundary shear stress in open channel flow, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 8(2), 21-37, 1990.
- Y. Shimizu, H. Yamaguchi and T. Itakura: 3D-Computation of flow and bed deformation, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 116(9), 1090-1108, 1990. (IF=2.817, TC=72)
- Y. Shimizu and T. Itakura: Calculation of bed variation in alluvial channels, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 115(3), 367-384, 1989. (IF=2.817, TC=66)
- Y. Shimizu, T. Itakura, T. Kishi and M. Kuroki: Bed variations during the 1981-flood in the lower Ishikari River, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 5(1), 481-486, 1987.
- T. Itakura, H. Yamaguchi, Y. Shimizu, T. Kishi and M. Kuroki: Observations of bed topography during 1981-flood in the Ishikari River, Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 4(2), 1-65, 1986.