
The main operating procedures for Nays2d+ are as follows:

Starting Nays2d+

The startup of Nays2d+ on iRIC is as follows.

Start iRIC and select [Create New Project(N)]


Figure 1 : Create new project_1

In the [Select Solver] window, Figure 2 , Select [Nays2d+] and click [OK].


Figure 2 : Create new project_2

Untitled in title bar-iRIC 3.x.xx.xxxx A screen with [Untitled - iRIC 3.x.xx.xxxx][Nasy2d+] appears Figure 3.


Figure 3 : Create new project_4

Preparations for using Nays2d+ are complete.

After this, the procedure is as follows. The actual operation method will be explained in the Examples in the next chapter.

  • Create computational grid

  • Set computational condition

  • Run the solver

  • Show the results