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Obstrucle vs Increasing the elevation of the ground

  • Feb 08 2019
  • mahesh90prasad

I modeled a section by using Nays2Dflood and for a proposed expressway I increased the level of ground elevation on behalf of setting an obstrucle. I doubt some conditions of fallowed procedure and it is appreciated if someone could clarify fallowing things.

1. If we increase ground elevation by a polygon is it act as an obstrucle or is there any change of the behavior?
2. Can we increase the elevation of one section and introduce culverts by defining the invert level in the boundary condition? Does the culvert act in the same manner where we put an obstrucle on behalf of increasing the elevations?
3. How to introduce a bridge or a dam or a spill in IRic ?


  1. hamaki says:

    The elevation setting is smoothed between grids.
    So, it is necessary to set a elevation of 4 grids or more.

    Please set box culverts referring to manual P10 or P37.

    Nays2dflood can not consider dam and bridge.
    But, Rainfall can consider rainfall.
    Please refer to manual P26.

  2. pritikumaricetpa says:

    Both obstructions and increasing the elevation of the ground can be used to mitigate the effects of natural disasters, such as tsunamis or floods. However, they achieve this in different ways and have different advantages and disadvantages.

    Obstructions such as seawalls, barriers, or levees are built to physically block the path of the tsunami or flood waters. They can be effective in protecting coastal areas from the direct impact of waves and reducing the extent of inundation. if you’re looking to improve your coding skills or learn new technologies, Cetpa Infotech offers a range of courses and training programs to help you stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. Check out our website for more information.


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> Forum > Nays2DFlood > Obstrucle vs Increasing the elevation of the ground