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Notification: iRIC v4 is now in the public as a test version

iRIC v4 is in the public today as its beta(test) version.

Basic libraries such as a file system, a visualization, a windows frame-work etc. have been updated in this time. But you can use the v4 with no trouble, because User Interface is almost the same as v3.

You can download v4 from here.

Official release of the v4 is now planning to be held in next April. Please use the v4 as a test usage until then with your understanding to below.

  • please let us know if you find out a bug via the iRIC forum
  • There are no guarantee to fix it with your requirement, though we will try to fix it.
  • Theere are several solvers disapear in the v4 though it was in the v3. Those will be released until the official release.
  • We will notice you when it is released.
  • A project file which is generated by the v3 can be opened by the v4.
  • But a project file which is generated by the v4 can not be opened by the v3.
  • So you cannot opened a file by the v3, once you open a project file of the v3 using the v4 and save it.
> Software > リリース > Notification: iRIC v4 is now in the public as a test version