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iRIC Software Update 3.0.18

We updated the iRIC Software today. Please update and try it !

1.Main Updated Contents

Import/Export function for Grid shape and its attributes as CSV format

Grid attributes not only Grid shape can be imported and exported as CSV.


Raster data including time seriese can be imported as Geographic data

Raster data can be imported as Geographic data. GeoTIFF and Arc/Info ASCII can be used for this function. Furthermore, Time series data such as precipitation data can be imported using this function.


Function to show characters on Visualization Window

This fucntion can show characters that you want and calculation result values such as Discharge and Depth etc. on Visualization Window. You can use this function by scripting by JavaScript.


Speeding up for importing Esri Shapefile

Function to import a Shapefile for polygons has been speeding up.

– Export calculation result on arbitrary lines

You can extract calculation result values and draw a graph along a cross section and a river center line which you can specify by mouse click.


– Display the Date on Visualization Window

Actual Year, Month, Day, Time can be shown on the Visualization Window.


2.minor updates

Changed a fortmat for a movie output from WMV to MP4
Changed the format for a Google Earth Street view output from KML to KMZ
Font for Time, Title and Measurement tool can be specified
“Calculation Condition” is always displayed on MENU bar.

3.For Solver Developer

– Function to output calculation result at grid Edge like node and cell


-Function to output a String as calculation result


– Function to output particles by grouping them

4.Bug Fixes

Several bugs have been fixed.


5. Operation Order for the iRIC update

Click “Option>Maintenance” on iRIC Menu bar.
Click “Close iRIC and launch iRIC Maintenance”
Click “Next” and you can see update information
Click “Next” and the update would be started.
Update would be completed when you see the window.
Click “OK”.
Operation order for Adding New SolverAdd

Click “Option>Maintenance” on iRIC Menu bar.
Click “Close iRIC and launch iRIC Maintenance”
Check “Add or remove components” and Click ”next”
Check the solver you want to install and Click ”next”
Click ”Update@ and updating starts

> Software > リリース > iRIC Software Update 3.0.18