I am using Nays2Dflood to design the reduction of the peak discharge in a channel by exploiting the storage capacity of the channel. Initially, the channel is empty and with a steep slope (> 5%).
I was thinking of dams with a window in the bottom (like a gate).
for low flow the gate should drain the water. For higher flows the water would first accumulate in the channel and then flow over its top.
I am doing that now by increasing the topographic level at some sections but I can’t represent the low flow conditions
Also I tried to use a gate but not overtop flow of the gate can occur.
any help / suggestion would be most welcome
Nays2D Flood does not have the function to calculate gate discharge and overflow at the same time.
How about increasing the topographic level at the dam, then setting a gate there.
I have not test this idea, so I don’t know if it will work…..