in the solver manual of Nays2DH v3 (downloaded from https://i-ric.org/en/download-file/?dlkey=3abc6ecfd76fd7d1d758c52bc23f1f97) in section “II.2.3 k-epsilon-model” it is mentioned that the eddy viscosity coefficient nu_t is calculated according to formula 46. I am searching through the calculation results stored in the case’s .cgn file (using HDFViewer) but can not find an entry with the calculated values.
How can I extract the solution of the eddy viscosity coefficient nu_t from the flow solution?
Thank you so much,
The eddy viscosity coefficient (nu_t) is a parameter used in fluid mechanics to model the effects of turbulence. Turbulence is a phenomenon that occurs when fluid flows become chaotic and unpredictable, with small-scale fluctuations superimposed on larger-scale flows. if you’re looking to improve your coding skills or learn new technologies, Cetpa Infotech offers a range of courses and training programs to help you stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. Check out our website for more information.