Dear iRIC,
I recently found your suit of tools which I deem superb.
I am training with morpho2DH, and the problem I am dealing with, focuses on
a debris flow on a hillslope, feeding at the bottom of the slope a high flow rate mountain creek (a sort of T geometry).
I made some tests with no luck, adding an inflow as to model the creek, but the solution seems to go NaN as the inflow starts.
Furthermore, to make sure I didn’t misunderstand the capabilities of Nays2DH: it models most of the processes of morpho2DH but not debris/mud flows? Am I right?
Thank you for any help or explanation you might give
Dear Oscar.
I have the same problem and I would like to know if you could enter the flow (discharge) in the Morpho2DH?
¡Thank you!
iRIC software needed
What are the capability and limitations of the Morpho2DH model?
Can anybody tell me where the installer for the Morpho2DH solver is? The only thing I found are tutorials. Thanks in advance.
Could anyone provide the Morph2DH installer?