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Debris flow feeding a high flow discharge channel

  • Mar 04 2021
  • oscar.cainelli

Dear iRIC,

I recently found your suit of tools which I deem superb.
I am training with morpho2DH, and the problem I am dealing with, focuses on
a debris flow on a hillslope, feeding at the bottom of the slope a high flow rate mountain creek (a sort of T geometry).
I made some tests with no luck, adding an inflow as to model the creek, but the solution seems to go NaN as the inflow starts.

Furthermore, to make sure I didn’t misunderstand the capabilities of Nays2DH: it models most of the processes of morpho2DH but not debris/mud flows? Am I right?

Thank you for any help or explanation you might give


  1. andresroserolegarda says:

    Dear Oscar.

    I have the same problem and I would like to know if you could enter the flow (discharge) in the Morpho2DH?

    ¡Thank you!

  2. npssubedi1 says:

    iRIC software needed

  3. lmetzger2010 says:

    Can anybody tell me where the installer for the Morpho2DH solver is? The only thing I found are tutorials. Thanks in advance.


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