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Driftwood simulation

  • Mar 24 2020
  • wickramasighe.a.p.r.047

I`m trying to simulate a periodical driftwood supply in a straight channel. I have downstream vegetation model and I need small grids to accommodate vegetation model. I feel this message “Was unable to supply driftwood” is showed because my cell dimensions (x,y) are small compared to the driftwood length. Can anyone explain this further? or in NaysCube, is it possible to use driftwood length which is higher to cell dimensions?

Thanks in advance!

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  1. Ichiro says:

    Probably, in the setting of the supply method of driftwood, you chose “Set at the surface without overlapping” In this selection, when a piece of driftwood is about to be supplied at ta certain grid cell, sometimes the cell has already been occupied by previously supplied piece. In this case, the solver “stands by” the supply until the previous driftwood flows down and the cell becomes empty. The massage is shown when “stand by” happens. Therefore, this message should be resolved as the driftwood flows down over time.

    Another solution is to change the setting of the driftwood supply method to “Pack from the air”. This way, the initial driftwood overlap can be avoided. However, since the effect of the vertical velocity component due to the operation of dropping remains to some extent, it is necessary to drop from the sufficiently upstream of the channel to avoid this problem.

  2. suikoken says:

    Hi there, is it possible for NaysCUBE to simulate the transport of logs with branches? And if so, what steps do I need to take? Thank you very much.


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