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Long-term morphological changes by Nay1D+

  • Apr 24 2023
  • paneiphyu.mmu

I am a student who is planning to run a long-term (several decades) morphological changes model for a long river (64 km).
In the calculating setting, I want to add different particle size distribution curve for different river cross-sections. Is it possible in iRIC Nay1D+?
In addition, I want to set the dredging volume amount from the riverbed.
I want to know, is it possible to fulfill the above two conditions in iRIC Nay1D+?
Please answer my questions.


  1. Ichiro says:

    Thank you for using NaysCUBE.
    Unfortunately, the setting of different particle distribution curves for different portions is not possible.
    The dredging can not be considered in the present model neither. I am sorry.


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> Forum > Nays1D+ > Long-term morphological changes by Nay1D+